
تقييم Softonic

ترجمة الجملة إلى العربية الفصحى المعاصرة مع الحفاظ على علامات HTML:<ஜெயகாந்தனின் 31 சிறுகதைகள்: Short stories by Jayakanthan><جاياكانثان 31 قصة قصيرة: قصص قصيرة من تأليف جاياكانثان>

ஜெயகாந்தனின் 31 சிறுகதைகள் (Short stories by Jayakanthan) is an Android application developed by Karthick Murugan. The application is available for free and falls under the category of Education & Reference, specifically Books. The application provides a collection of 31 short stories written by Jayakanthan, a prominent Tamil writer and winner of the Indian Government Literature Award. His works include short stories, novels, articles, and movies.

The stories provided in the application range from various themes, including devotion, wisdom, and humor. The stories are written in Tamil, and the application provides an easy-to-use interface for readers to access the stories. With this application, readers can enjoy the classic works of Jayakanthan on their Android devices.

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